What I’ve been up to

Since January, I’ve been fortunate to be able to reconnect to my art life. I began an amazing program through the Coconino Center for the Arts and the Flagstaff Arts Council, called the ArtBox Institute. ABI is a 5-month course in the business of art for “creatives, arts administrators and artists of any medium, any age, at any stage of a career”. This program has taught me so much about the business end of being an artist and this is why I now have a website, an Instagram account, new business cards, a Facebook artist page and a ton of inspiration! If you or someone you know is an artist in the Flagstaff area, I suggest you check it out. http://flagartscouncil.org/artbox-institute/. Here’s a little article about us in The Noise, http://thenoise.us/editions/0516/0516.html#p=18

This Friday, we are fulfilling one of our assignments by having an event. This will be two art shows presented by two groups of artists about to graduate from ABI. Please join us if you are in the area. My group is the Matter(s) Collective and the other group is putting on the Create.Celebrate show.



WorryBound developed out of the nearly constant state of worry that I was in. I had so many things happening and I would be up at night just fretting. Finally, I wrote and wrote about all of these concerns. I cut the pages up and bound them in this book. This book is bound on all four sides so the worries cannot escape.WorryBound-JuliaMMiller